Lovely Quotes

Lovely quotes from I love the blog, some times it helps me get through the tough times, I just want to collect them all. This time is still about mistakes and failures. Bottom line: to grow strong and wise, you must have the courage to make mistakes. Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.

– Making mistakes is far more productive than never moving. You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren’t busy avoiding or denying them. And no matter how bad of a mistake you make, there comes a time when you have to stop thinking about it and move on. No regrets in life – just lessons that show you the way forward.
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A Girl’s Decision about Hijab

I was amazed and speechless. It is because of our conversation, my daughter and I.

I made an agreement with her that we will keep speaking in English to each other as I know that my brain is not as fresh as her, as I realized that I can learn  good English from her and as I need to keep talking in English with somebody, otherwise my ability to speak the language will vanish. So, we have been talking in English for several months since I moved to Indonesia, mmh…not talking actually, but writing because mostly our communication is via Whatsapp or emails.

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