Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and in The End

When mortals are alive, they worry about death. When they’re full, they worry about hunger. Theirs is the Great Uncertainty. But sages don’t consider the past. And they don’t worry about the future. Nor do they cling to the present. And from moment to moment they follow the Way.” ( Bodhidharma quotes)

Yesterday, I had a Grey day. Then, my husband sent me this quote and I was touched. It reminded me not to worry about the future and to enjoy the present time, moment to moment. I’m learning to live in the present time, moment to moment, but I never know that in fact it is just easy to say, very hard to do. My thoughts, my monkey minds, always grips me, like a tiger grasps its prey.

Yesterday, my feeling was blue. I  wondered why are there people who are so much in love with their duty and I? I’m just like a blind man who is walking and walking in the dark hoping that in the end there will be a light.

Yesterday, I lost my smile. My tender son noticed it. He hugged me and said,”Mommy, why are you look so sad. Where is your smile? You have to smile Mom. It is no need to  to be sad, to cry, it’s useless Mom! ( sounds familiar, he must be copying my words and the dentist’s words a day before).” I smiled at him and said that I had smile, but I was surprised, he still remarked the different, he knew that my smile was a fake. Oh, my Dear boy, how tender is your heart.

Today, I try to wake up. Remembering other people out there who even don’t have love,  a confidante, properties, a faith. And I? I’m surrounded by love! I have a lovely husband who loves me so much and two adorable ‘angels’ who are always coloring my life. Even though I’m not prosperous and still walking in the dark, but I think, I hope, I still have a faith, a belief that it is no need to worry about the future because we are in God’s hand, God’s help is near. Wake up and just try to enjoy moment to moment, follow the Way, then, there will be beauty, now and in the end. Yesterday, today, tomorrow and in the end, all should be the same.