Bangga = Menemukan Tugas Spesial dari Tuhan

Suatu hari, anak lelaki saya yang ketika itu berusia 7 tahun tiba-tiba bergumam,”Jadi perempuan itu merepotkan! Alhamdulillah aku laki-laki,” katanya serius. Saya tersenyum-senyum mendengarnya sekaligus heran, darimana dia mendapatkan ide bahwa menjadi perempuan itu merepotkan. Rupanya anak seusia itu memang sudah menyadari adanya perbedaan antara laki-laki dan perempuan,  dan ia pun paham bahwa menjadi perempuan berarti harus hamil dan melahirkan. Jadi ketika saya diminta untuk membawakan topik soal ‘Aku bangga menjadi wanita’ dalam acara Kharisma ini, saya langsung teringat gumaman anak saya itu. Saya lalu berpikir, benarkah jadi perempuan itu merepotkan? Kalaupun menjadi perempuan itu tidak merepotkan, nikmat dan membanggakan, apa sesungguhnya yang dibanggakan?

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Getting old

Getting older isn’t nice, is it? I’m always happy if someone said that I’m still like a teenager or a student. My heart always flies if my new friends were surprised and said “ What? Do  you already have two big children? Are you kidding? You look so young!” I smiled gleefuly when I walked with my children, met with other people and they said,”Are they your nephew and niece?” Or even worse they would said,”Are they your brother and sister?” What? My children? Brother and sister? Oh come on, I’m not that young, they are my children, indeed! Even though I was a bit insulted but there was a pleasant feeling crept, deep in my heart.

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Happiness and The ‘Tiger Cage’

My friends have told me, the place that I want to pursue my dream is a very uncomfortable place. Knowing their experiences and hearing what they said, I can imagine how hard it is, to be there, as if I would come in to a tiger cage.

Can you imagine? Someone who wants to be there has to pay thousands or hundreds million rupiahs, but after that she or he has no more time left for their families even for themselves. Even worse, divorce rates, stressed, and depresion increase among the participants!

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