Special Father for a Special Daughter

Dear Lord. Forgive me. I am just too happy with my selves recently, and exited with what I got here. Now I am crying. I am crying because my husband just sent me his diary, diary of a single parent. Hiks Oh God how hard is life for him, but he is always happy, smiles, and thinks positively. He is the one who teaches me to face the world with smiling and changing everything in a positive way. I never saw him complaining, sad or sending negative energies, and he teaches me all of those without saying something. He even did not tell me his problems just because he was afraid that it would disturb my feeling and my study. Oh how lovely you are my Dear…and even though it’s hard, he still thinks that this is the best condition that God give to us. I agree, it might be true, but still, I just want to cry because I feel so grateful to have a husband like him. I do not know how my life would be without him.
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Anak-anakmu bukanlah Anak-anakmu

Kemarin pagi-pagi pas mau berangkat sekolah Aik sms aku,”Bunda, gigi Aik lepas! Jang atas!” tulisnya di sms (Berhubung gede di Belanda, jadilah Aik lebih familiar dengan ejaan J Belanda untuk Y). Aku penasaran kan, jadi malamnya aku telpon lah mereka. Aik pun dengan semangat memamerkan dua area gigi taringnya yang sekarang bolong. “Difoto ya Ik, buat kenang-kenangan,”kataku.

Aik juga semangat cerita tentang sekolahnya, tentang main lego sama Robin, happy di sekolah, mau nabung buat beli lego koleksi lain lagi, dan macem-macem. Sebelum libur winter lalu, karena core course ku padat banget, biasanya aku seminggu sekali telpon. Awal kedatangan sih tiap hari aku telpon, tapi lama-lama anak-anak pada bosen, ya wes akhirnya seminggu sekali, tiap weekend aku baru telpon.
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